Antimatter, the gateway to DeFi derivatives, and Financial NFTs


Antimatter βeta

About a dApp exploring the possibilities for NFTs as financial vehicles. Users can create Spot Index, Future Index (in development), and Lockers in a permissionless way.
Token name
Protocol Oracle Index

Antimatter, launched in 2021, turns NFTs into financial vehicles and asset vaults with various locking and unlocking mechanisms and to facilitate various financial transactions.

The project currently live on Ethereum, Binance Smartchain, Avalanche, Fantom networks.

In the dApp, users can create Spot Index, Future Index (in development) and Lockers without any permissions. Monetized Spot Index NFTs can be traded, their value matches to the value of the underlying assets. Lockers can be used to store assets for a certain period of time or simply as gifts for friends and family. An account system is implemented that allows users to identify themselves and display the name of the creator of their NFTs.

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