Astaria - instant liquidity for any cryptoasset


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Astaria is an on-chain NFT lending platform that aims to provide a seamless experience for the native DeFi user. The Astaria protocol allows Strategists to publish loan terms through Vaults, which can accept capital from liquidity providers to be lent to borrowers. Competition between Strategists ensures that borrowers have access to competitive market rates and terms.
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Protocol Oracle

Astaria is an NFT lending platform on the Ethereum blockchain that aims to provide a seamless experience for DeFi users. Astaria's protocol allows strategists to publish lending terms through vaults that can accept capital from liquidity providers to make it available to borrowers. Competition between strategists ensures that borrowers have access to competitive market rates and terms.

At launch in 2022, the Astaria protocol uses a three-factor model to provide instant liquidity to borrowers and competitive returns to liquidity providers. The model is built around three classes of users:

- Strategists deploy vaults with a list of loan conditions corresponding to supported NFTs.
- Borrowers borrow against NFTs according to the lending terms provided by the strategists.
- Liquidity providers earn revenue from the funds provided by PublicVaults.

Instant liquidity. To borrow against NFT, you don't have to go through the time-consuming process of negotiating supply and demand. Instead, you can instantly select any (or more) loan terms for your NFTs offered by our expert strategists.

No forced liquidations. As a borrower, you can only be liquidated if your loan expires with an outstanding balance. Thanks to Astaria's no minimum pricing concept, forced liquidations when prices change are a thing of the past.

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