Coresky is an Asset-packaged NFT launch and trading platform


Coresky βeta

Coresky is an Asset-packaged NFT launch and trading platform.
Token name
Protocol Oracle

Coresky uses NFTs as investment certificates, targeting the primary and semi-primary markets. By fragmenting early investment amounts into high quality projects, Coresky allows the fundraising community to share high-return investments with small and mid-sized investors.

These NFT asset packages can be traded on the secondary market or held until the token unlock date, allowing for income generation through token trading. Coresky provides real-time unlocking of assets through redemption contracts, guaranteeing investors' rights. 

Innovation Points

  • Decentralized allocation: Leads to more transparent project decision-making and improved security of user assets.
  • Automatic Airdrop in EVM-based chains is fully automated and requires no manual intervention, solving the problem of slow manual operations.
  • Special Features: Task walls and Big Wheel functions can increase user engagement, attract new users and promote the site more effectively.

Crypto Asset Allocation(Primary Market)

Provided the project information is authenticated and the community vote is successful, online marketing and fundraising can be launched.

An NFT holder with an asset can receive an airdrop token by the unlock date. 

Coresky provides a secondary market for project trading, facilitating fragmented trading of non-fungible tokens. In doing so, the platform generates stable income from market transaction fees and royalties from internal secondary market transactions.

Benefits For Investors

  1. More opportunities to participate. If an investor is unable to invest in the target asset in the primary market, they can participate in the secondary market by buying an asset-packaged NFT.
  2. More exit opportunities. This creates faster profit opportunities and better liquidity support. If an investor needs liquidity after buying an asset, they can sell it for cash in the Coresky secondary market in exchange for liquidity. At the same time, one can take advantage of price fluctuations in the secondary market to sell asset-packaged NFTs in advance and realize excess profits.

Benefits For Projects

  1. More relaxed financial environment. Providing a secondary market for the underlying asset package prior to unlocking provides investors with more exit opportunities, thereby providing a relaxed financial environment for the project.
  2. Project market value feedback. Allowing the investment underlying asset to circulate in the secondary market can timely reflect changes in the market fair value of the project through a feedback mechanism, allowing the project to make timely changes and implement adjustments to market strategies in line with price changes.

Fission and Incentive

Coresky introduces an innovative reward and sharing mechanism, CoreHub, which is a reward tool provided to owners of projects that issue assets on Coresky. Users can participate in Coresky and project on-chain tasks, earning rewards in the form of points, tokens or non-fungible token asset packages, helping projects with marketing promotion and attracting traffic.

In addition, Coresky has updated the layout of its Ton Chain-based reward mechanism, the Coresky Red Envelope. The mini Dapp is designed based on TON Chain and aims to attract a large number of potential TON users through the fission eco-participation tool, users who participate in fission activities will receive Coresky airdrop tokens, and participating wallets will receive airdrop tokens in proportion to their scores.

As for the sharing mechanism, the Coresky platform has a built-in center page that motivates influencers, VCs and loyal users to bring new users and turnover to the platform by giving the platform a rebate for ongoing referrals. Coresky has already partnered with over 10 activity platforms, 100 communities, 200 influencer agents and 10 media outlets for marketing.

Asset-packaged NFT Marketplace

Coresky's NFT trading platform realizes automatic matching based entirely on smart contracts. Users buy and sell asset-packed NFTs on the platform, and all the details of the transaction, such as price, quantity, transfer of ownership, etc., are automatically executed through smart contracts. This not accelerates the transaction speed but also reduces intermediate links and transaction costs. 

Investor Asset Insurance

Coresky's investor asset insurance consists of two parts: 

  1. Basic insurance pool consists of the initial capital invested by Coresky and all insured amounts and is primarily used for risk management and project compensation. 
  2. Staking Insurance Pool involves users (RiskAdmin) who bet on Coresky coins, and users can receive Staking Pool tokens (Z-Tokens), which aren't only used to manage the platform, but can also be used to generate additional revenue through staking.

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