Magnify Cash is a decentralized credit marketplace (DCM) that supports lending in any currency, against any collateral, on your own terms.
Decentralized Credit Marketplace
- NFT-Centric: Specializing in decentralized credit markets for NFTs.
- Universal collateral acceptance: Support all types of collateral (ERC-721s and ERC-1155s), expanding the range of assets that can be funded.
- Universal support for lending currencies: The platform allows you to lend in any ERC-20 token, eliminating the currency restrictions present in existing solutions.
- Auto-compounding: Upon repayment of loans, funds and accumulated interest are automatically made available to the lending desk, making managing your desk easier and preventing lost opportunities.
Users create and manage their Decentralized Lending Desks with specific loan parameters, maintaining control and flexibility. Once the user funds their lending desk, it is immediately available to borrowers in the dApp. Each Lending Desk has a unique identifier on the blockchain that only the owner can control.
Fixed-Term Loans provides stability with no unexpected liquidations or mid-term adjustments.
When you create a lending unit on Magnify Cash, you own the keys to your unit, so you never lose ownership of your assets. With pool lending and fully automated term loan origination.
Automated Quantitative Framework prices risk through linear interpolation, adapting to tenor and principal nuances.
Promissory Notes provide documentation and enforceable claims for lenders.
Lenders set ranges of interest, duration, and amount. Interest rates change dynamically with the bond curve to reduce lenders' risk without requiring any oracles.
Lenders' liquidity is never pooled. Lenders own their desks and no one else has access to them or the funds on them.