Delegate secures your onchain identity by linking hot and cold wallets


Delegate βeta

Delegate is the best solution to secure valuable onchain assets while still participating in NFT airdrop claims, ERC20 token governance, and more. Users link cold wallets with hot wallets, and then the hot wallet can act on behalf of the cold wallet, like crypto power-of-attorney.
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Since 2022 delegate deployed on dozens EVM chains, including Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Optimism, and Base. 

Using delegate, users link cold wallets to hot wallets, after which the hot wallet can act on behalf of the cold wallet, similar to a cryptocurrency trust.

The registry can be used for login, token mining and approval, gaming activities, DAO management, etc. By integrating a registry, you will: 
- remove the risk of bringing in new users from those who have already delegated authority; 
- make it safer and easier for existing users to interact with your application from hot/mobile wallets without security risks. 

You simply assign a hotwallet delegate to your coldwallet vault. The delegate has the right to claim airdrops or other utility on behalf of the vault, but it can't touch anything inside the vault. Granular permission allows you to assign a delegate 
- for everything, 
- for a specific contract, 
-  for a specific token.

NFT as tradeable delegation rights

Liquid Delegates (LDs) turn delegation rights into NFTs that can be traded. It gives you a trustless way to trade airdrop claims and more. It provides a no-liquidation, no-risk NFT rentals right that is automatically compatible with all standard ERC721s.

How it works. The creator of Liquid Delegate selects two parameters: the NFT he or she owns and the timeframe for which to delegate it. The user then deposits the NFT into an escrow contract that will manage the delegation and receives a Liquid Delegate NFT in return. 

Liquid Delegate NFTs have the following features:
- they can be traded on NFT marketplaces
- the holder automatically receives delegation rights
- the holder has exclusive rights to atomically flashloan the escrowed token
- the holder can burn it to return the escrowed NFT to the depositor

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