Zaar is an NFT marketplace

Zaar (ex. Protectorate)

Zaar (ex. Protectorate) αlfa

Zaar is The Definitive Liquidity Layer for NFTs. Zaar is purpose-built to flip NFT trading on its head, as a first-in-class product designed to bridge NFT traders of every caliber under one unified platform.
Token name
Protocol Oracle Index

Zaar is A full-featured mobile-friendly NFT marketplace.

Zaar benefits

  • Mobile-First NFT Trading. Zaar is designed to make it easy for you to buy, sell and manage your NFT inventory right from your phone, making it possible to participate in the NFT market anytime, anywhere.
  • Transform NFTs into productive assets with innovative Capsules. Don't just own NFTs and ETH - put them to work. The Capsule system will allow you to place NFTs or ETHs and turn them into productive assets. 
  • Exclusive access to NFT-Fi strategies curated by NFT-Fi experts.
  • Deposit / withdrawal of both NFT and ERC-20
  • Buy/sell/bid/listing functionality through all aggregated liquidity sources powered by Reservoir
  • Ability for users to encrypt their private key with an alphanumeric password that is only decrypted at runtime when users want to perform an action on the chain.
  • Private, MEV and Frontrunning secure transactions by default, based on Flashbots RPCs
  • Insta-sweep, allowing traders to sweep any pre-defined or custom size by aggregating all available listings
  • Insta-dump, allowing traders to exit a position by instantly accepting orders for any pre-defined or custom size, aggregating all available liquidity.

Do you want to join the Envelop NFT 2.0 aggregator?

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