Exploring Jackson: The On-Chain Art Revolution


Jackson release

Jackson is onchain collection that generates an SVG image for each NFT in its getTokenURI function, compositing brush strokes as SVG elements from the subsequently occurring mints.
Token name

Jackson represents a groundbreaking on-chain art collection that leverages the Ethereum blockchain to create and evolve unique digital artworks. This innovative project utilizes a smart contract to generate SVG images for each non-fungible token (NFT), ensuring that every piece is a unique, dynamic composition of brush strokes.

The Creative Process Behind Jackson

Step 1: Initiating Your Artistic Journey

When you decide to engage with Jackson, the first step is to mint your own canvas along with a brush stroke. This initial brush stroke is uniquely generated based on your Ethereum address. For those seeking a more personalized touch, there is an option to customize your brush stroke through a special minting feature.

Step 2: Adding Your Mark

After minting your canvas and brush stroke, the next step involves painting your stroke onto the canvas. This action doesn't just add your mark to the canvas; it integrates your brush stroke into all previously minted canvases. This process transforms each piece, contributing to a continuously evolving collective artwork.

Step 3: Observing the Evolution

The journey doesn't end after you've added your brush stroke. As the Jackson community grows and more users mint their pieces, each canvas, including yours, will accumulate new brush strokes from others. This communal interaction allows your artwork to develop and change over time, offering a living digital art experience.

The Permanence of Jackson Artworks

A key feature of Jackson is its commitment to being 100% on-chain. The project eschews the use of external URLs, IPFS, or any off-chain servers. This approach not only ensures the permanence and security of the artworks but also their independence from any external platforms. As long as the Ethereum network exists and web browsers continue to support SVG images, your Jackson artwork will remain accessible and will continue to evolve.

This purely on-chain mechanism means that every interaction and every brush stroke added to the canvas is recorded on the Ethereum blockchain. The Jackson smart contract is meticulously designed to handle the generation and composition of these SVG images, ensuring a seamless and enduring artistic experience.


Jackson is not just an art collection but a living, evolving ecosystem of digital art that allows artists and collectors to interact with and contribute to each other's creations. It stands as a testament to the possibilities of blockchain technology in transforming the art world, making art more interactive, communal, and dynamic. As this project continues to grow, it invites more individuals to become part of a unique artistic endeavor, forever preserved on the Ethereum blockchain.

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