Hedgey is a free token distribution and investor lockup blockchain platform that projects use to allocate tokens to their team and investors, with full dashboards for issuers and recipients. 

Token vesting allows onchain teams to issue token vesting plans to their team members. These vesting plans mirror traditional vesting plans in that they can include cliffs, delayed start dates, and flexible vesting schedules. In addition, they are fully onchain, can be canceled by the issuer/administrator, and are tailored to meet the specific needs of onchain teams.

Hedgey's solution for vesting plans is free to create and free to access/manage for both issuers and recipients through their token vesting platform. 

TokenVestingPlans and VotingTokenVestingPlans contracts are built on top of ERC721Enumerate contracts. The idea is that each individual vesting plan is a unique NFT issue for the beneficiary, and the details of the vesting plan are stored in a Struct object. When creating a vesting plan, the creator enters all the details of the vesting plan to be stored in the Struct object, and then the beneficiary is minted an NFT mapped by its tokenId to a structure stored in the storage by the same tokenId uint256, connecting the two objects together. 

What is ERC721Enumerable?  This is an OPTIONAL extension for ERC-721 smart contracts. It will allow your contract to publish a complete list of NFTs and make them discoverable. The ERC721Enumerable extension introduces additional data structures and functions to allow you to publish a list of tokens. Without this extension, developers would have to implement their own token tracking and enumeration mechanism, which would be prone to disorganization, errors, and security risks.

Token grants allow DAOs to reward contributors, usually in the form of the DAO's own tokens, for specific and timely contributions to the DAO.

Hedgey investor Lockups allow teams to on-chain distribute tokens to investors, which are unlocked over time on a predetermined schedule. The lockups can be distributed to multiple investors in a single transaction. They are not revocable and can be transferable or non-transferable. Transferable lockups can be moved to a cold storage or custodial account without any friction.

The lockup plan contract acts as an escrow contract that holds tokens that are unlocked and can be claimed by the beneficiary according to the unlocking rates set at the outset. The escrow contract is built on the ERC721 standard with additional features whereby the beneficiary has an NFT issued to his wallet address, which is the owner of the lockup plan. There are 4 versions of lockup plans, 
1. A transferable contract with support for on-chain governance.
2. Transferable without on-chain governance support (but optimized for Snapshot voting)
3. Non-transferable with on-chain governance enabled
4. Non-transferable without on-chain governance enabled

Treasury lockups are used to temporarily lock tokens and allow them to be unlocked on a predetermined schedule. This allows the token treasury to build community trust and reduce risk through programmatic lockups.

The Hedgey claims product allows founders, project teams, investors and advisors to view, analyze and claim their tokens. You can create a token claim page, whitelist 50,000+ recipients, and control the release of claimed tokens with streams, time-locks, clawbacks, & more.

Hedgey Treasury Swaps is an escrow-free OTC product based on Hedgey smart contracts that allows two parties to exchange tokens without engaging a third-party escrow provider. 

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