UPTO3, KnowledgeFi protocol


UPTO3 αlfa

UPTO3 is a platform that turns events into NFTs and provides consensus verification. On Upto3, you can mint and verify events, with your actions being rewarded based on the results.
Token name

UPTO3 is based on the concept of event knowledge graph, which builds and utilizes event graphs to provide users with complete and accurate event correlation information, thus supporting various intelligent applications and decision analysis.

With the help of artificial intelligence technology, UPTO3 efficiently extracts event elements such as subjects, time and event content from big data. In addition, the system intelligently establishes relationships between events, providing a solid foundation for building an event knowledge graph.

UPTO3 protocol components:

Event Elements. Events consist of elements such as the subjects, time, and content of the event. UPTO3 provides accurate extraction and summarization of these elements.
Publishers are authorized to publish events and receive appropriate rewards through the protocol's consensus mechanism.
Validators are responsible for validating the authenticity of events. They vote to validate an event based on the event elements, and consistent validation results are rewarded.
Event validation. Validators determine whether events have passed the consensus mechanism by voting, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the event knowledge graph.
Reward mechanism. The UPTO3 protocol introduces a token reward mechanism to incentivize the participation of publishers and validators, promoting the healthy development of the entire system.

The event will be released as an NFT. Event consensus will be achieved through verification tasks.

Decentralized validators perform verification tasks to get rewarded in the form of tokens.

Features Blast (L2), all gas generated by verification goes into the reward pool.

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