Web3 playground Spacebar


Spacebar βeta

Spacebar is a Playground for Onchain Identities and communities.
Token name

Spacebar presents the game as an experimental interactive interface for creating a composite Web 3 experience. Spacebar visualizes and gamifies the building blocks of Web 3.

Spacebar consists of two main components:

  1. Games: Web casual game (offchain + onchain hybrid) designed to be competitive and constantly evolving; PVE and PVP modes.
  2. Meta-Games: Squares and portals where participants hang out, socialize, compete on leaderboards, create compositions based on other Web 3 products, and express user-generated content that is linked to in-game components and user-owned assets.

Spacebar Multiverse

Spacebar consists of multiple parallel universes, each with its own unique characteristics. These include different economies, game sizes, types, chains, and a variety of themes. Within each universe, players experience different seasons in which new content or gameplay variations are introduced. This design allows to continually evolve Spacebar by experimenting and improving the game.

A priority for all Spacebar universes is to increase utility and provide high-resolution visualizations for the various building blocks of Web 3. This includes NFT, Account Abstraction, DAO, DeFi Money Legos, Crosschain Bridges, Zero Knowledge, and more.

Universe 1 is the first version to lay down primitives that can be evolved and adapted to new community needs, trends, and Web 3 technology developments. Spacebar maintains a constantly evolving experience by creating new versions and mutations based on community feedback and the foundational elements laid out in Universe 1.

Universe 1 focuses on:

  • Increasing utility for NFTs
  • Developing Onchain identities
  • Creating a visual layer of identity for Web 3
  • Enabling active ownership of digital assets
  • Unlocking collective entertainment in the community

NFT as onchain identity and ERC-6551

In Universe 1, participants bring their PFP NFT to the wallet. This digital identity will gradually evolve with each asset a user collects. As each participant interacts with the platform, their participation will create metadata.

Based on the metadata attached to each profile page, users will be able to find other users who are similar or complementary to each other to form potential squads when the squads feature is introduced in a later version. Additionally, as Spacebar universes expand with new features and metadata, the profile page can serve as a blog for users wishing to share their finds and earnings with the broader user community.

ERC-6551 (Tokenbound Accounts) is a new Ethereum standard that turns every NFT into a smart wallet that can own tokens (ERC-20, ERC-721 and so on) and interact with dApps.

ERC-6551 allows NFTs to evolve, adapt and reflect the experience of their owners.

Accounts linked to tokens in Spacebar

In Spacebar, your NFT PFP is your account.

You log in with your PFP NFT, you interact with other users with your PFP NFT, your PFP NFT owns the Spaceships your PFP NFT rides, your Spaceship NFT owns all the assets earned in the game. 

Spaceship NFTs

NFT spaceships have two evolutionary phases: “Protoship” and ‘Ownership’.

  1. ProtoShip. When you first enter the Spacebar, you will need to link your EOA wallet (Externally Owned Accounts; Metmask, WalletConnect, etc.) and select the NFT PFP to represent your identity in the Spacebar. Once this is done, you will be able to claim and mint your first NFT Spaceship, which will be minted in your chosen PFP NFT (meaning your PFP NFT owns the Spaceship). A Protoship is a soul-bound NFT owned by your PFP NFT. In Universe 1, you will complete missions and battles to earn various assets for your Protoship. However, if you stop interacting with your Protoship, be aware that it can be burned on a smart contract. To maintain an active ownership structure among Spacebar members, the total number of protoships in Universe 1 is limited to 1024. If you quit the game, your spaceship is burned, allowing the Universe 1 smartcontract to generate another protoship for another member to explore Spacebar. Your main objectives are twofold: upgrading your protoship to owner status and accumulating assets under your spaceship.
  2. Ownership. After completing missions as a Protoship, your NFT will be upgraded to “Ownership”. Gaining “Ownership” status involves completing missions that further integrate you into the chain. Your “Ownership” can no longer be burned by anyone (other than yourself), and you have full active ownership of your NFT. The metadata and assets you have earned in the Spacebar will be accumulated and stored with your Ownership, making each Ownership unique and special.

Achievement Keys

Keys in Spacebar are unique Soulbound tokens earned through various achievements.

Each type of key corresponds to specific milestones and achievements, allowing you to aim higher and continually progress in Spacebar.

Keys represent a set of actions that combine to form your unique online identity.

Keys tokens are minted directly on your NFT spaceship.

Squares as guild representations

A Square is an online multiplayer space where you can socialize, play games, interact with various Blast Dapps, and earn points.

Squares are members-only communities where members get together and socialize, accessing all Spacebar activities from their Square.

Squares are communities for guilds to play, socialize and earn depending on their strategy. Squares are NFT (ERC-721) and ERC-6551 Tokenbound Accounts that allow members to share ownership of assets.

The higher the TVL and Onchain activity, Square unlocks higher points and more Blast Gold, as well as premium features that allow Square members to collectively earn more Squares by competing against each other through leaderboards.

You can only mint one Square NFT. But, you can own multiple Square NFTs by buying them from NFT marketplace.

Square benefits

For Square Owners:

  • Owner Bonus: Square Owner earns 2% of all the Spacebar Points earned by the Members of your Square.
  • Build Community: Chat in real time with your Guild members
  • Square NFT: Limited supply NFT
  • PFP NFT Boost : The more Members in Square who have the same PFP NFT collection as the Owner, the bigger PFP NFT Boost for the Owner and those Members, up to 10%

For Square Members

  • Square Multipliers: Square Member and Owner get Square Multiplier, starting at 1.1x.
  • Square activities: games, group missions, and keys to earn activity points

Star Sweepers Game

Star Sweepers is a casual spaceship game where the goal is to collect as many stars as possible ⭐️ in 60 seconds.

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